Bookynotes Blog blog: Bookstore, children books, dk books, dr seuss, Drawing and more
  • 101 Wonders of the world

    101 Wonders of the world
      Various lists of the Wonders of the world have been compiled over the years to catalogue the most spectacular man-made construction and natural landscapes in the world. The seven wonders of the ancient world is the first known list of the most remarkable man-made creations of classical antiquity, and was based on guide-books popular among hellenic sight-seers. The number seven was chosen as the Greek’s believed it represented perfection. Many similar lists have been made, including lists for the medieval world and the modern world.
  • أفضل كتب الأطفال لعام 2021

    قال غونزاليس مؤخرًا من ميدفورد بولاية ماساتشوستس ، حيث يعيش مع زوجته إيلين باي وابنهما راؤول البالغ من العمر 11 عامًا: "لقد تعلمت ما يعنيه أن أكون جزءًا من مجتمع". على مدار 25 عامًا ، كان غونزاليس ، المعروف باسم راؤول الثالث ، جزءًا من العديد من المجتمعات الفنية: الفنون الجميلة ، والتدريس ، والزين ، وعلى مدار السنوات السبع الماضية ، نشر الأطفال. طلبت منه كاثي كامبر ، التي التقى بها أثناء تأليف الزين ، توضيح رواية مصورة كانت تكتبها بعنوان "Lowriders في الفضاء.” يدور الكتاب حول ثلاث شخصيات حيوانية تحب العمل على السيارات ،...
  • Giving Your Child the Best Chance of Success in the Future

    Giving Your Child the Best Chance of Success in the Future
    Parents always try to raise their children in a way that could prepare them to face the troubles of life and succeed in the future. They want their kids to be able to live happily and make their lives productive. But it’s easier said than done. To achieve success in life, the work has to be started in childhood but getting kids to leave their television and video games and get them to be serious for life is one difficult task. Here, parents have to be creative or come up with ways they can work on...
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